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2016 WBC Conference Proceedings
2016 WBC Conference Proceedings

2016 World Brewing Congress
Denver, Colorado

Once you have purchased the 2016 World Brewing Congress Online Proceedings, click here for access.

Proceedings will be available for download within 24 hours of purchase.

Item No. MTG2016
Master Brewers Member Price (sign in or join to save): $ 0.00
Master Brewers Members save: 100.0%

Gain access to the best research from the 2016 World Brewing Congress! The Online Proceedings includes presentations from the meeting held in Denver, Colorado, August 13-17, 2016. Oral presentations include the author’s full slide show complete with graphics, and posters can be magnified to focus on specific figures, images, tables, and graphs.

You may view the table of contents for the oral and poster presentations in the contents tab. All presentation abstracts are open access, but you must purchase access to view the full presentation or poster.

Please note that the presentation files are compressed for web delivery but with attention given to the fidelity of the images. Presentations are still large web files and may take a few moments to open.

Interested in the recorded presentations? Not an MBAA member? Join MBAA first, then you receive the 2016 proceedings at no charge.

2016 World Brewing Congress Proceedings

Publish Date: 2016

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