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Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager..., Vol. 2
Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager..., Vol. 2

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“The nature and depth of Greg Casey’s … five-volume exploration of the development and evolution of American lager will forever memorialize this important chapter in the history of brewing.”
—Ken Grossman (Founder, Owner, and President of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company)

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The series examines the history of the American lager brewing between the 1840s and the 1940s. A period and a beer little studied by historians, the political, societal, and cultural history of the United States profoundly influenced the evolution of American adjunct lager beer.

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The Beer of War and Global Famine Relief: 1941–1948 is the second book in a one-of-a-kind, five-volume series, The Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager Beer, which details the unlikely rise of American adjunct lager beer, as told by industry expert Greg Casey. The author has compiled more than 17,000 period references, with sources as varied as the Library of Congress to interviews with contemporary descendants. The series examines the history of American lager brewing between the 1840s and the 1940s. A period and a beer little studied by historians, the political, societal, and cultural history of the United States profoundly influenced the evolution of American adjunct lager beer. This series is the result of Casey’s 16 years of passionate self-directed and self-funded research.

During World War II, the brewing industry faced unprecedented challenges as wartime shortages affected key ingredients such as corn, which breweries like Pabst had relied on since the late 19th century as a preferred adjunct. These shortages spurred innovations and adaptations that reshaped the industry’s approach to brewing, debunking the long-standing myth that adjuncts such as corn were a wartime necessity born of malt shortages. Instead, as Greg Casey explores in depth, these adjustments exemplify the resilience and resourcefulness of American brewers during one of history’s most trying eras.

With impressive forewords from Ken Grossman (Founder, Owner, and President of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company) and Richard L. Yuengling, Jr. (President and CEO of D. G. Yuengling & Son, Inc.), this second volume, The Beer of War and Global Famine Relief: 1941–1948, transitions to an archivally based review of the actual history of this period of the American lager brewing industry—a story of perseverance and the embodiment of the American dream, which the author hopes each reader finds not only surprising but also inspiring.

The stories told in The Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager Beer will be of interest and value to a diverse audience: readers interested in the history of the United States or World War II, American craft brewers or employees of macro lager breweries, and even those who simply enjoy drinking American lager and craft beers. All readers are guaranteed a newfound pride, knowledge, and appreciation for the perseverance of American adjunct lager beer.

The Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager Beer, Volume 2: The Beer of War and Global Famine Relief: 1941–1948

Foreword by Ken Grossman
Foreword by Richard L. Yuengling, Jr.
Financial Sponsors

Chapter 1:
Pivot to 1941–1948: The “Flowering” of American Beer

Chapter 2:
1942: A Sugar Controversy and Industry Concerns over Future Supplies of Adjuncts

Chapter 3:
1943: The Corn Crisis of the Summer of ’43

Chapter 4:
1944: Sorghum Grains and Soybean Adjuncts Called to Serve

Chapter 5:
1945: A Second Reduction in Malt: What Beer to Brew?

Chapter 6:
1946: Potatoes, Cassava, and Tapioca Are Called Up

Chapter 7:
1947: A Most Paradigm-Challenging Year

Chapter 8:
1948: Finally, All Restrictions on Brewing Materials End

Chapter 9:
Discussion: The Intrinsic Power of Drinkability

Chapter 10:
Vignettes: Volume 3 (1850s–1924): Born in… Germany!

E Pluribus Unum: The Power of American Diversity


Publish Date: 2025
Format: 8.5” x 11” hardcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-9787726-0-4
Epub: 978-0-9787726-1-1
Pages: 328
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

By Gregory Paul Casey

List Price:129.00
The Inspiring History and Legacies of American Lager Beer, Volume 2: The Beer of War and Global Famine Relief: 1941–1948

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