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Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer, Volume 2
Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer, Volume 2

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Increase your Specialty Brewing knowledge with this easy-to-use handbook series!

Volume 2 will provide you with fast answers to technical questions on cellar and tank design, fermentation biochemistry and microbiology, and their relationship to the cellar processes in producing specialty ales and lager beers.

Item No. 51927

Master Brewers Member Price (sign in or join to save): $ 71.10
Master Brewers Members save: 10.0%

Edited by Karl Ockert

Bob August is a graduate of California State University, Chico. He began his career in 1982 as a brewer with the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company and progressed to become director of packaging operations from 1984 to 2004. He now operates an independent consulting firm; Majestic Packaging Solutions, in Chico.

Stephen Bates started his career in 1967 as a packaging technician with the Blitz Weinhard Brewing Company, in Portland, Oregon, and in 1990 became assistant packaging manager. In 1999, he took the position of packaging manager for the BridgePort Brewing Company, in Portland, Oregon, in charge of one bottling line and one racking line. He was also the project manager for the development of a new bottle packaging facility at the Trumer Brauerei, in Berkeley, California.

Daniel Carey has a bachelor of science degree in food science and technology from the University of California, Davis, in 1982. He attended the Siebel Institute course in brewing technology in 1987 and was valedictorian, and he passed the Diploma Master Brewer Examination of the Institute of Brewing in 1992. He served his apprenticeship at the Ayinger Brewery, in Munich. He is presently the co-owner and brewmaster of the New Glarus Brewing Company, in New Glarus, Wisconsin. He previously designed, constructed, and operated numerous small breweries while working for JV NorthWest, and he was a production supervisor at Anheuser-Busch, in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Ken Grossman founded the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, in Chico, California, in 1980 and serves as its president. He studied chemistry and physics at Butte College and at California State University, Chico. He has been an active member of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas since the early 1980s and also serves on the technical committee of the Brewers Association of America.

Candace E. Wallin has more than 25 years of experience in the brewing industry, including 18 years at Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, where she worked as a microbiologist and then as a development brewer. She also gained four years of experience in the microbrewery segment of the industry as the microbiologist for Sudwerk Privatbrauerei Hübsch, in Davis, California. Currently, she is an instructor in brewing science and technology courses in the extension program of the University of California, Davis, and she manages the brewing laboratory and pilot brewery there. She is an associate member of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling and a member of the American Society of Brewing Chemists and the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.

Grant E. Wood is pilot plant manager for the Boston Beer Company. He received a B.S. in food science and technology from Texas A&M University in 1984 and started his brewing career with the Pearl Brewing Company and Lone Star Brewing Company, in San Antonio, Texas. He has been with the Boston Beer Company since 1995. A 1987 graduate of the Siebel Institute course in brewing technology, he has been involved in such diverse activities as malting barley and hops selection and product development. He has judged at the Great American Beer Festival, in Denver, Colorado, and the Brewing Industry International Awards, in Burton on Trent, England.

Sixty years ago, MBAA created a simple, practical, technical book on all aspects of brewing in a user friendly question-and-answer format. Building on that best-selling concept, this handbook series written by MBAA experts expands the Q&A format in a comprehensive manner, making it easier than ever to find answers to your questions on the broad subject of specialty brewing.

The unique simplicity of the Q&A format makes understanding and application straightforward. Editor Karl Ockert has assembled a talented group of expert contributors from within the pub, craft, and large brewing communities, who write from their own experience and knowledge to bring you the know-how you need in order to answer real-life questions quickly and easily. Practical convenience is the objective for this handbook series which stresses useful applications over theory.

Inside Volume 2: Fermentation, Cellaring, and Packaging Operations

Get fast answers to technical questions on cellar and tank design, fermentation biochemistry and microbiology and their relationship to the cellar processes in producing specialty ales and lager beers. A review of fundamentals and practical and theoretical considerations in the areas of:

  • Traditional and modern processes for the fermentation of ales and lagers
  • Cellar, tank, and equipment design considerations
  • Clarification, filtration, and carbonation of finished beers
  • Racking beer in kegs and casks
  • Bottle filling operations, materials, and equipment
  • Laboratory methods, equipment, and calculations

Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer: Fermentation, Cellaring, and Packaging Operations, Volume 2


Fermentation and Cellar Operations

Clarification, Filtration, and Finishing Operations

Racking Room Operations

Bottle Shop Operations

Laboratory Methods and Instruments

Publish Date: 2006
Format: 7" x 10" softcover
ISBN: 978-0-9770519-2-2
Pages: 263
Images: 87 images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Karl Ockert

Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer: Fermentation, Cellaring, and Packaging Operations Volume 2

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