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Methods of Modern Homebrewing
Methods of Modern Homebrewing

This book gives step-by-step instructions, with helpful photos, for very major homebrewing methods and also features useful charts for brewers to get information at a glance.

Item No. 44615

Hey homebrewers - make better beer! Returning for his second book, Chris Colby highlights the modern brewing methods homebrewers use to make beer. From the basic procedures for making beer from malt extract to advanced all-grain techniques and tests for quality... This book is a beer geek's dream! There is no book like this on the market and a brewer would have to pore through numerous brewing texts, magazine articles and website posts to find all this information.

Methods of Modern Homebrewing gives step-by-step instructions, with helpful photos, for very major homebrewing method. The book also features useful charts for brewers to get information at a glance. Appropriate example recipes are given for most of the techniques. Learn to brew with malt extract, by partial mashing or go all-grain. Then move on to master decoction mashing, krausening, high gravity brewing and more. This book will feature 50 recipes and 60 photographs.

Methods of Modern Homebrewing


Overview of Brewing
Getting the Most from the Recipes
What's important?

Section 1: Brewing with Malt Extract

The Modern Extract with Grains Method

American Extra Pale Ale
British Golden Ale
Winter Warmer
American Amber Ale
British Brown Ale
Best Bitter
Kola and Nutmeg Porter

Small Partial Mash Method

Vienna Lager
Sticke Altbier

Large Partial Mash Method

Smoked Wee Heavy

Texas Two-Step Method

American IPA

No Boil Method

Section 2: All-Grain Brewing: Mashing

Crushing the Grains
Mashing In
Single Infusion Mash Method

U.S. WWI-era Pilsner
American Pale Ale
British IPA
Iraish Extra Stout

Step Mash Method

Rye Pale Ale
Dry Vienna Lager

Decoction Mash Method

Bohemian Pilsner (Czech Pilsner)

Cereal Mash Method

Cream Ale
Rice Lager

Mashing Out
Riterated Mashing Method

High-Gravity Specialty Ale

Section 3: All-Grain Brewing: Lautering

Continuous Sparging

Copper Ale
American Porter

Batch Sparging

American Amber Ale
American Strong Ale

No-Sparge Wort Collection

Dark Mild Ale
Ordinary Bitter

Parti-Gyle and Similar Methods

Strong Bitter and Best Bitter
Old Ale and Dry Stout

Brew in a Bag (Biab) Method

100% Rye/Wheat Pale Ale

Section 4: Wort Bioling

First Wort Hopping
Wort Boiling

Black IPA
Köisch-Style Ale
American IPA
Heather Ale
Session IPA

Whirlpool Hopping

Section 5: Wort Chilling

Sink (or Bathtub) Chilling
Immersion Chilling
Counterflow Chilling

Section 6: Fermentation

Yeast Starters
Basic Yeast Starter
Rehydrating Dried Yeast
Repitching Yeast
Ordinary Ale Fermentation
Ordinary Lager Fermentation

Octoberfest (Festbier)

High-Gravity Fermentaitons

Imperial Stout

Specialty Yeast Fermentations

Brettanomyces Saison

Dry Hopping
Forced Fermentation Test
Wort Stability Test
Fining for Clarity

Section 7: Sour Beer Production

Sour Mashing

American Sour Ale
Sour Fruit Ale

Kettle Souring

American Sour Ale

Traditional Sour Beer Production Method

Berliner Weisse
Kriek (Cherry Lambic)
Flanders Red Ale

Section 8: Water Treatment

Removing Chlorine Compounds
Calcium Content
Reducing Alkalinity
Matching Mineral Content to Beer Color

Section 9: Packaging

Bottle Conditioning
Cask Conditioning
High-Gravity Brewing

International Pale Lager

Beer Stability Test

About the Author

Publish Date: 2017
Format: 8" x 9" softcover
Pages: 224
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

By Chris Colby

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