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Master Brewers Toolbox 3.0 (Single User)
Master Brewers Toolbox 3.0 (Single User)

Imagine a programmable database that calculates and stores all your specialty beer formulas and works as well on 30 liter pilot trials as it does on 1,000 barrel mega-brew roll outs.

Requires MS Access in a PC environment and Microsoft Access 2003 or 2010.

Item No. 72659
Master Brewers Member Price (sign in or join to save): $ 71.10
Master Brewers Members save: 10.0%

The updated Master Brewers’ Toolbox 3.0 does it all. This powerful brewing formulations and processing program assists brewers at every production level to improve existing beer formulations and design creative new brews. It replicates processing parameters to predict how formulation changes will affect other variables in the brewing sequence. The program also lets you set brewing process and product specifications to achieve a desired goal for your finished product.

New in the 3.0 Toolbox?

  • Improved graphics for viewing predicted analytes vs. targets such as RDF, SRM, IBU, and color across all products.
  • A larger set of example beer styles that serve as copy templates that demonstrate record construction, calculations, and chart analyte relationships such as brew house efficiency vs. lauter run-off Plato, or finished beer bitter/sweet ratio vs. beer style.
  • Pop-up messages inform the user of limitations or missing information.
  • Hop and extract materials can be added across a wider range of processes.
  • Refinements to the calculation of refractive index, apparent extract, and brewing algorithms in general.
  • Adds new values to extend formula control by calculating vessel adjusted residual alkalinity, beer chloride/sulfate and bitter/sweet ratios.
  • Calculates the fermentability of wort using microbial mash enzymes for low calorie beer.
  • Provides the option for cost by barrel or by case.

View a webcast tutorial by toolbox developer Jim Hackbarth

Click here for Multiple-User version.
View a webcast tutorial by toolbox developer Jim Hackbarth

Master Brewers' Toolbox 3.0 (Single-User License)

Single-User Version

You are entitled to use this product on a local area network at a single facility as identified on the “ship to” address of your receipt or invoice. You may not transfer reproductions of the software to other parties in any way and may not lease or rent the product to others without the prior written consent of the publisher. Placement of the program on the Internet or any other external network is prohibited.

Click here for Multi-User version.
Format: Requires MS Access in a PC environment and Microsoft Access 2003 or 2010


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