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Craft Brewers Guide to Best Practices, Vol 2: Raw Materials…
Craft Brewers Guide to Best Practices, Vol 2: Raw Materials…

"You may have learned the foundational principles of wort production, fermentation, and cellaring, but upon holding the keys to the brewery in your hand, you may be asking yourself, 'What do I actually do now?' Karl's books will help you answer that question."—Thomas H. Shellhammer, Nor'Wester Professor of Fermentation Science and Professor of Food Science, Oregon State University

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Raise the bar of your craft brewing operations with this comprehensive, accessible handbook series!

Item No. 25550

Master Brewers Member Price (sign in or join to save): $ 89.10
Master Brewers Members save: 10.0%

By Karl Ockert

Karl Ockert began his brewing journey in 1983 after earning a BSc degree in fermentation science from the University of California, Davis. He has spent his career designing, building, and operating craft breweries—from brewpubs to major regionals. Karl has written The Craft Brewer’s Guide to Best Practices to pass along hard-learned lessons and up-to-date methods to the next generation of craft brewers worldwide.

The Craft Brewer’s Guide to Best Practices—written by Karl Ockert, lead editor of Master Brewers’ bestselling series Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer—provides information to help readers design, build, and run a craft brewery to consistently make high-quality beer. Presented in an accessible question-and-answer format, these books cover subjects and current practices relevant to craft brewers everywhere. Based on his wide-ranging experience, Ockert provides information and insights that are not found in other brewing guides and textbooks.

Volume 2: Raw Materials, Wort Production, and Fermentation provides practical, real-life answers to technical questions on an array of topics crucial for successful craft brewing:

  • Selecting suppliers, contracting for packaging and raw materials, and managing the supply chain
  • Practical applications for cleaning and sanitizing brewery tanks and equipment
  • Techniques and methods used in producing sweet wort in the brewhouse
  • Production techniques for boiled wort, including cool pooling, hot side high gravity brewing, and whirlpool hopping
  • In-depth discussions of both traditional and modernized methods of ale and lager fermentation and beer maturation

Who will benefit from reading this book?

  • Anyone looking to start or maintain a career in craft brewing
  • Personnel in manually operated craft brewpubs and breweries (although many of the concepts can be applied universally to a brewery of any size)
  • Brewing and malting science educators and students
  • Technical staff and other professionals in industries related to brewing and fermentation

The Craft Brewer’s Guide to Best Practices
Volume 2: Raw Materials, Wort Production, and Fermentation

Chapter 1
Supply Chain Management

Chapter 2
Cleaning and Sanitizing Plant and Equipment

Chapter 3
The Brewhouse: Sweet Wort Production

Chapter 4
The Brewhouse: Boiled Wort Production

Chapter 5
Fermentation and Maturation

Appendix 1
Sample Cleaning and Sanitizing Schedule

Appendix 2
Sample Brewhouse Sheet

Appendix 3
Sample Cellar Sheet

Appendix 4
Useful Equations


Publish Date: 2024
Format: 8” x 10” softcover
ISBN: 978-0-9718255-5-0
Pages: 304
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

By Karl Ockert

The Craft Brewer’s Guide to Best Practices
Volume 2: Raw Materials, Wort Production, and Fermentation

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