Executive Committee

The Executive Committee's charge is to exercise the authority of the Board of Governors (BOG) in the management of the affairs of the Association during the intervals between BOG meetings. The Executive Committee will drive the continuous strategic planning process and make recommendations to the BOG. The committee will communicate Association matters and interface with membership, Districts, and other brewing related organizations, and the headquarters staff.

PresidentMolly BrowningLallemand Brewing123270
1st Vice PresidentBrian FaivreNew Realm Brewing104643
2nd Vice PresidentSteve BradtHopsteiner1399
TreasurerMarcus PowersNorthwestern Mutual149627
Treasurer-electBenjamin BaileyTroegs Brewing Co110958
Past PresidentLauren N. TorresAnton Paar141193

As a benefit of MBAA membership, a hyperlink to full contact information is available for all MBAA members on this listing. Please note: You must be logged in as a MBAA member to access. If a name above is not hyperlinked it indicates the individual is not a current MBAA member.